Tuesday, July 10, 2012

X is for Xtreme at New Xercise Lab!

Are you looking for an exercise option that pushes your fitness limits? Need an exercise option that gives you great results? How about an exercise option that gets you out of the studio in less than an hour? If you answered yes to any of these questions, say Hello to Xercise Lab!

Xercise Lab is the concept of Jenny Rowe, founder, owner, instructor and busy mom to three young boys, 2.5, 5 and 7 years old.

Jenny is a Palo Alto resident and like so many parents these days, is scheduled down to the minute of where she needs to be next. Active all her life, including playing competitive tennis in high school and college, she found it hard to make time to squeeze in exercise in between the long hours of her TV reporter job. So she started teaching group exercise classes after work that committed her to show up to work out. And now, other people were relying on her for their fitness. Jenny soon discovered that she loved this line of work and quit her reporter job and switched to fitness full-time. She went to work for Western Athletic Club and became the Program Designer for all of their clubs across the state of California.

She thought that one day she’d like to create her own fitness company to fill the two big holes she found in the fitness industry--The first being that most classes were too easy and didn’t offer enough of a work out. And secondly, to provide a turnkey fitness program for schools that have dropped their Physical Education program.

Fulfilling her first goal, she created Xercise Lab and opened the doors to the first studio at Town & Country Village in June. Xercise Lab consists of three labs, two for adults; Burn Lab and Build Lab and Recess Lab, created for children.

Warning Sticker— This is Xtreme exercise, with an X. These labs* are intense exercise programs for people who really want to be challenged or step up their fitness level. These classes pack a punch! (*Recess Lab excluded.)

Photo courtesy of Lisa DeNeffe Photography

Burn Lab is a highly intensive, 45-minute, pre-choreographed cardio fusion program that combines everything from kick-boxing to boot camp drills in an interval-style format.

Build Lab is a no-weights weight workout. It offers complete body-weight training in an intensive, 45-minute, pre-choreographed format.

Calling all men! These labs are equal opportunity sweat sessions. The exercises are very masculine and there are no dance moves in the labs. Jenny wants everyone, especially men, to feel comfortable in an exercise class setting.

Recess Lab is a pre-choreographed, cardio and strength-training program for boys and girls, ages 4–12, disguised as fun movements and games choreographed to music. All music created for Recess Lab is original and produced by Steve Plunkett—front man for the ‘80s band, Autograph. Remember the song “Turn Up The Radio”? It was a number one song in the ‘80s. Go to iTunes and listen to the sample. You’ll feel like another lifetime just came rushing back.

Photo courtesy of Lisa DeNeffe Photography

Jenny’s second goal from her original mission is alive and kicking. Individual schools or school districts can purchase Recess Lab as an affordable alternative to traditional P.E. classes when budget cuts have reduced or even eliminated their own P.E. programs. Xercise Lab will train Recess Lab instructors, a.k.a. your child’s regular teacher, in a one-day training program at the school site and they can incorporate exercise back into the daily curriculum.

Xercise Lab at Town & Country Village is the official headquarters for the company. Jenny says she plans to expand and offer opportunities to franchise the business every year. Franchise owners will have to pass a high fitness level to be allotted a franchise—no surprise here.

Lab fees are light on your wallet and will keep you motivated on your fitness quest. And that's sure to make you jump for joy! For $75.00 a month, adults can attend unlimited classes. $50 a month allows kids to attend Recess Lab as many times as they like. And Jenny knows you don’t want to feel like you’re just another face in the crowd. That’s why each class is limited to 15 people. And since you’re always on-the-go, you can register for classes through the website: xerciselab.com.

Photo courtesy of Lisa DeNeffe Photography

Xercise Lab’s philosophy is simple: Get in. Get out. Get on with your life. Exercise doesn’t have to take up a chunk of your day. Scratch out 45 minutes three times a week for Burn Lab, and 2 days a week for Build Lab, and bring the kids by for Recess Lab to encourage their road to a lifetime of fitness.
 Photo courtesy of Lisa DeNeffe Photography